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Fire & Smoke


Few disasters wreak havoc on property as quickly and completely as a fire. Fire damage in a residence or business can often create seemingly insurmountable obstacles to recovery.  


In cases of fire, rapid deployment is essential to stabilize the site before the related releases of toxic chemicals, smoke and water are able to further compound property loss. Immediate requirements may include debris removal, site drying, deodorization, neutralization of chemical processes, corrosion control, and property inventory and removal for restoration. 


Rapid Recovery Services personnel understand the full and far-reaching effects of fire damage, and are able to address all issues quickly and efficiently, from assessment and reconstruction of structural damage to complete remediation of smoke and soot damage and expert restoration of valuable possessions.

Smoke and soot damage can occur to a property as the result of a fire in the structure itself, or in adjacent properties or areas (including forest and industrial fires). Either way, smoke is deeply invasive and can carry a broad range of potentially toxic and corrosive compounds. Well over 100 disparate chemical elements have been identified as by-products of combustion, particularly in complex fires where a range of synthetic materials burn.


The property damage issues raised by smoke and soot invasion are many, and require a quick and comprehensive approach to remediation. Smoke damage to property on a chemical level can progress for months following an event if not addressed properly. 


The Rapid Recovery Services team is expert at halting the insidious effects of smoke damage, and offer a broad base of knowledge in soot removal, cleaning, deodorization, chemical neutralization and complete restoration of upholstery and fabrics, surface finishes and other valuable possessions.

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